Celebrating Ceramics is an artist led event organised by Craft In Focus with the experienced assistance of the following team.
It’s a privilege to be part of the Celebrating Ceramics panel. I have been taking part in Ceramic Fairs across the UK since 2004 and this has given me an insight into the different ways that they work and what makes a fair successful. I care passionately about Studio Ceramics and really understand the importance of nurturing new talent but also recognizing excellence and new developments in more experienced makers’ work.
I graduated from the Harrow Ceramics Course in 1989 and from Portsmouth Polytechnic in 1990. Since then I have been making my work in various studios in the Midlands while teaching part time. More recently I have given up my teaching and relocated my studio to Cornwall where I also have a small gallery. I exhibit and sell my work in galleries across the country and abroad. I regularly take part in Ceramic Fairs and deliver workshops from my own and other studios and have become increasingly interested at the possibilities of using social media to promote and sell my work.
I have been exhibiting my ceramics at shows across Europe and the UK, and held a ceramics workshop in India, since I graduated in 1991. I was also fortunate to have been able to be a part of 'Art in Action'. These experiences have given me a wonderful insight into how a show combines all elements to be able to perform at its full potential. It is wonderful to now be a part of the team for Celebrating Ceramics. I look forward to helping maintain the show's high standards and assisting wherever improvements can be made to keep this show one of the best.
I am always very enthused to look at the huge variety of ceramic work every time I'm at ceramic shows marvelling at the skill, thought and creativity that have combined to bring the work into being. I will enjoy helping facilitate the smooth running of future shows, to provide the very best for the customer and exhibitors, so that all have a wonderful experience at another great 'Celebrating Ceramics' show set within the stunning 'Waterperry House and Gardens'.
I am excited to have been asked to join the team of Celebrating Ceramics. Having been a professional ceramic artist since 1994 and exhibited at ceramic events across Europe and USA I hope to bring my experience to help make a vibrant and creative show for both makers and visitors alike.
Sharing a studio with my ceramicist husband Neil MacDonell, our business and family have grown side by side. The summer expeditions to ceramic festivals enriching both creative and family life. My practice is driven by my continued fascination with people and the endless possibilities of modelling with clay and firing glazes. I hope I can offer a sensitive and sculptural eye to the mix.
Since graduating from the Harrow Studio Ceramics course in 1991 I have worked as a full time salt glaze potter. In 1997 I moved from London to establish my studio on a smallholding in West Wales. Over the last twenty years my focus has been on developing my salt glazing and firing approaches, aspiring to create contemporary works pushing the boundaries of traditional salt glaze techniques.
I have exhibited my work for many years at galleries and ceramics events across the country and in Europe. I am committed to supporting the ceramics community through my work as a director of the International Ceramics Festival, bringing together some of the best international ceramics artists for this biannual event.
My aim is to ensure that Celebrating Ceramics remains dedicated to building a high quality artist led show which showcases some of the finest ceramic artists.
I have loved ceramics as an art form for as long as I can recall and my parents bought me my first ‘bowl’ at a fund raising event when I was 16. But it was when I was working in Japan 35 years ago, producing a business documentary, that I began collecting on my frequent trips to Kyoto and Mashiko.
Every time I passed a beautiful piece I couldn’t help but touch it and an antique dealer in Kyoto said ‘that was the sign of a collector’. My crew had to lovingly help carry back all the treasures I had found, on top of our equipment!
When I moved to London from New York, I was asked to be the curator of the Ceramics section of Art in Action, held at Waterperry Gardens. This opportunity was a pure labour of love since we were all volunteers. But during the 26 years that I curated the Ceramics tent, I met and got to know potters (ceramics artists) from all over the UK and Europe.
It was a privilege to call them friends and it was because of these relationships that I again volunteered to help bring a quality ceramics show at Waterperry gardens to the public.
Craft in Focus was launched in 2000 by Rob Chapman, then a Woodturner, now head co-ordinator of the events. Craft in Focus stages nine events across the UK, mostly in the South East, including the UK’s most popular Designer Craft Fair at RHS Garden Wisley.
They are also used to staging solo discipline events, such as the Desire Fairs focussing on Jewellery and Silversmithing. One of the key aspects to their success has been to treat makers, and visitors, with respect and understand the lifestyle the artists lead.
As a former maker, Rob Chapman was able to address what the maker wanted from an event. In addition the selection of the exhibitors has always been key to ensure the makers show flair and originality in their work, and the work they present is always from their own workshops as well as being of the highest quality.